On this page you can find forthcoming event details, photographs, videos and sound recordings:
Film of the reading at the launch of Wish on January 26th 2025.
January 26th 2025. Pictures from my wonderful launch party for Wish at Keats House, London.
2025 readings from Wish
26th January
Keats House, London
22nd February
Faversham Lit Fest, Kent
The Guildhall, 3.30 - 4.20
With Nancy Charley, Fiona Sinclair and Melinda Walker
4th March
Ouse Muse, Bedford
Open Mic
5th March
Enfield poets, Forty Hall Enfield with Katherine Gallagher
Open Mic
9th March
Torriano, London, with the North London Stanza group
Open Mic
22nd April
Not a Bad Word, London
Open Mic
23rd April
Oxford Poetry circle, Oxford With Sue Hubbard
2nd May
Langley Marsh, Somerset. With Nicky Saunter
13th May
Greenwich, London. With Maggie Harris
18th May
Broadstairs, Kent
17th June
Buntingford Library
Q & A and Open Mic
9th September
Lumen, London
24th October
Ver poets, St Albans. With Maggie Harris
12th December
Ware poets, Ware. With Maggie Harris
Further dates to be confirmed.
Friday 13th January 2023
Lovely pictures taken by Elizabeth Whycer at the Dugdale Centre during my reading for the Enfield Poets festival.
21st April 2021
Launch of ‘everlove’ - online because of COVID 19, but as a result it was possible to include friends from far and wide, including the artist Mary Behrens whose work inspired my refugee poems, from New York State, and guest poets Anne Caldwell from Yorkshire and Holly Howitt from north Wales.
‘everlove’ launch. 21.4.21
Launch reading at the party for Degrees of Twilight, 2015